>> Patch at:
>> http://links.tedpavlic.com/patch/VIM-LaTeX-osx-inverse-search-compiler.patc
>> h
> I added some documentation for the new options, can you please take a look, 
> whether this is correct?
> http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/vim-latex-forward-backard-search.patch

The documentation looks good. However, it's important to note that you 
can use *ANY* viewer you want by setting the appropriate variables.

It's also important to note that the ONLY way you can get forward 
searching on OS/X is to turn on the "g:TreatMacViewerAsUNIX" flag on and 
  provide a UNIX-like ViewRule that accepts the command line syntax:


for example:

skim blah.pdf 28 blah.tex

Finally, something that has not changed (but was not well documented) is 
that on Windows and Mac, if you leave your ViewRule EMPTY, the *OS* will 
open whatever is associated with that type of file. Again, forward 
searching won't work, but \lv'ing will.

> In your blogpost you write that only TeXniscope supports source specials but 
> the patch looks like Skim and PDFView support Forward searching, too.

Skim and PDFView support both forward and *INVERSE* searching as long as 
you build your document with the pdfsync package.

"Source specials" only exist for DVI files. PDFsync emulates something 
LIKE source specials by dumping them into a third file that the other 
programs can read.

To get source specials with DVIs, you add "-source-specials" to your 
latex build line. To add pdfsync to your PDFs (and DVIs, actually), you 
add "\usepackage{pdfsync}" to your TeX source and don't bother changing 
anything in your latex build line.



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