Luis A. Florit wrote:

Hi all,

   I've always had some special highlighting for TeX
files. For example, I have the following syn for "$$":

hi dollars cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 guifg=white guibg=blue
syn match dollars /\(\$\$\|\\\[\|\\\]\)/

It always worked nicely, but since I upgraded to FC5,
and then from vim6.3 to vim6.4, the highlighting only
works BEFORE the '\begin{document}', and not after
(not very useful...). This persist even if I remove
my .vimrc, or my .vim directory, so it is some new
problem with version 6.4.

   Any idea about what is happening??
As Benji F said, you'll need to get it contained (at least in texDocZone). containedin=ALL should work, but it will of course then be contained in all groups, including comments.

The texDocZone group was set up to facilitate syntax-based folding.

Chip Campbell

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