I'm not sure how your bound function works.  Have you tried using
fnamemodify() to manipulate the filename?  You can use the :h option
to strip the path, and :s?? to substitute the relative path.

On 5/24/06, Max Dyckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have some issues with the working directory in vim that I really
cannot get to the bottom of. I have tried looking through the help, and
I've searched the Interweb too, to no avail, so I thought I would turn
to this trusty mailing list!

I operate a single vim instance with multiple files open in multiple
splits. The common working directory for my code files is
c:\<project>\main\source\, and the majority of the files therein lie in
ai\<filename>. Normally the vim split status line shows the file as
being ai\<filename>, namely the relative path from the working directory
of c:\<project>\main\source\.

When I open a new file - which I invariably do using "sf <filename>", as
I have all the appropriate directories in my path - occasionally the
statusline shows as the absolute path, namely
c:\<project>\main\source\ai\<filename>. If I perform the command "cd
c:\<project>\main\source", then the status line fixes itself. It should
be noted that the status line is only incorrect for the new file;
existing files are still fine.

Now I wouldn't normally be bothered by this, but I have a function in
vim which I have bound to F6 that will check the current source file out
of our source depot, and if the status line is showing the absolute path
then it will fail, because the information about the source depot lies
only within the c:\<project>\main directories.

God, I hope that makes sense. It seems like such a trivial problem, but
it really irks me, and I wonder if anyone could give me a hand!



Max Dyckhoff
AI Engineer
Bungie Studios

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