
It looked like it was supposed to do something like that, but nothing seemed to happen with my Ruby file. I'll give it a shot in a C++ file and see what happens there. I still can't figure out what the "a" is doing though.


Stewart Johnson wrote:
I didn't know either, but from my testing it seems to do something like:

"move to the start of the current scope and format (indent) everything
in the current scope."

at least that's what it seems to do for me. ;-)

On 7/14/06, Scott LaBounty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, I'll bite. What does "=a{" do? The "=" is a format, and the "{"
moves to the start of a class (at least that's what is does in the ruby
file I tested this on). So, what's the "a" do in this command? Lord
knows, anything that annoys my Visual Studio colleagues is all right
with me.

Scott LaBounty
Nexa Technologies, Inc.

Max Dyckhoff wrote:
> I've noticed that using some motions - specifically "i{" and suchlike -
> will cancel a visual line/block and turn it into regular visual mode
> instead, which is rather annoying. Is this intentional, or a bug?
> I should just mention that my new favourite command is "=a{", which
> makes me smile every time I use it, and which really annoys my Visual
> Studio using colleagues.
> Chairs!
> --
> Max Dyckhoff
> AI Engineer
> Bungie Studios

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