I did the following command to open man pages inside Vim:

nmap K :Man <C-R><C-W><CR>
command! -bar -nargs=1 DoMan %!/usr/bin/man -P cat <args>
command! -bar -nargs=1 Man
\   new
\|  DoMan <args>
\|  %s/.^H//g
\|  set filetype=man
\|  goto 1
\|  set buftype=nofile

It works nice, but I want also to be able to specify the man section,
mas many C commands are also bash or shell commands,
like "exit", "stat", and so on.

I'm sure it's written in the extensive online documentation,
but my lazyless is greater then my shame to ask it here. :)

Rodolfo Borges

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