
Am 26.10.2006 05:08:33 schrieb Benji Fisher:

>      If you want someone to try to reproduce the problem, we need more
> information.  Where did you get your copy of vim; or, if you compiled
> yourself, how did you do it?  (In the first case, please give a link to
> the download site.  In the second case, we need to know patch level,
> which compiler, what options you used to compile, etc.)  If in fact
> PEBKAV, then it probably makes a difference what language/localization
> you have for WinXP.

Jetzt bin ich aber platt... (Sorry my english isn't good enough to
translate this proverb)

I've used the current version from www.vim.org. "gvim --version" gives
  VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled May  7 2006 16:23:43)
  MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
  Compiled by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Big version with GUI.

But your statement get me the idea to try another version. I had version
7.0.106 installed (but never really used) and ... the problem disappears.
Same plugins, same configuration and so on. Then I've installed 7.0.146
from the cream-project (http://tinyurl.com/ygovss) and again no problem
with the backtick.
>      I still suspect that a mapping or abbreviation is involved.
> Especially since you mentioned tex:  have you installed latex-suite?  

No, from the latex-suite I'm using only the folding methods. And
especially I'm not using the plugin imaps.
And it happend with python files too.

>      If there is no problem with console-vim, then I want to know the
> result of starting gvim while skipping all your startup files.  I am not
> sure of the right syntax from an XP command line, but something like
> $ gvim.exe -u NONE -U NONE

Sorry in my last mail I should have noted, that I've already tried this
with gvim and console-vim. And it didn't solve the problem (with gvim).
> If you still see the problem after starting gvim this
> way, then I will be convinced that there is no errant mapping causing

Well something with the version on www.vim.org is wrong ... at least in
combination with my system/configuration.

> (I think the -U NONE is redundant, but it does not hurt much to leave
> it in.)

From gvim --help
   -u <vimrc>  Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
   -U <gvimrc>  Use <gvimrc> instead of any .gvimrc

> HTH                                   --Benji Fisher

Yes it did - Thanks a lot

cu boesi

<THammY-> und meine hände ham bisher immer
nur das gemacht was ich will </THammY>

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