Alexander 'boesi' Bösecke wrote:
From gvim --help
   -u <vimrc>  Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
   -U <gvimrc>  Use <gvimrc> instead of any .gvimrc

Yes, but -u NONE means: no vimrc, no gvimrc, and no plugins (but viminfo will still be used if you have 'nocompatible')

-u NORC means: no vimrc, but plugins will be loaded

If you want a "virgin" Vim but in the more convenient 'nocompatible' mode, I recommend

        [g]vim -N -u NONE -i NONE

-N = 'nocompatible'
-u NONE = no vimrc, no gvimrc, no plugins
-i NONE = no viminfo

Best regards,

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