I use version 1.4a. The Calendar.vim file is indeed in the plugin directory. Here are a few usage lines from my Calendar.vim file:

" Usage:
"     :Calendar
"       show calendar at this year and this month
"     :Calendar 8
"       show calendar at this year and given month
"     :Calendar 2001 8
"       show calendar at given year and given month
"     :CalendarH ...
"       show horizontal calendar ...
"     <Leader>ca
"       show calendar in normal mode
"     <Leader>ch
"       show horizontal calendar ...

On Nov 22, 2006, at 9:46 PM, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

From: "Tom Purl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Calendar ?
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:15:04 -0600 (CST)

I found the plugin in $HOME/.vim/plugin/.

What version do you use? The header of my calendar.vim consists mainly
of a long history, instructions on how to set some calendar specific
variables in .vimrc and some other stuff for .vimrc.

no usage instructions, no keybindings.

Mine is the version of the 17.Jan 2006 and is named 1.4.


Check out the source, which should be in one of your plugin directories. For me, it's in $HOME/vimfiles/plugin/calendar.vim on my Win XP computer. The header of the file has a ton of commments, including usage statements nad
"Additional" notes.


Tom Purl


 where can I find instructions on how to use Calendar.vim and its
keybindings ? I visited vim.org's script pages about Calendar.vim but
 didn't found, what I was searching for. Google also gave me

 But may be all this is my fault ?!


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