Anand Hariharan wrote:
> On Feb 6, 1:36 am, Tony Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Anand Hariharan wrote:
>> [...]> Ben says "For every tab, Vim adds a new tab".  It seems counter-
>>> intuitive to me considering that my command is *bufdo* tabnew (i.e.,
>>> for each *buffer* create a new tab).
>> [...]
>> Yes: for each buffer, add a new tab with a new [No Name] buffer in it. So we
>> have one more buffer. The result is actually: for each buffer, add a new [No
>> Name] buffer. You should have checked ":help :tabnew", it mentions that with
>> no argument, it creates a new tab with an empty window.
> Yes, it says new _window_, not a new buffer.  In order to make that
> extrapolation from new window as to imply new buffer, one needs to
> know the following:
>> You may have several windows to a single buffer, in the same tab or in
>> different tabs, but creating a new "empty" window actually also creates a new
>> [No Name] buffer to contain whatever edits you'll make in that "empty" 
>> window.
> I hope you find it reasonable that one could find the distinction
> between tabs, buffers and windows very subtle.
> Thank you all for responding.  I suppose, just like the editor itself,
> I should let the tab feature 'grow' on me, because (again just like
> the editor itself), my first impression has not been very favourable!
> <I once swore /at/ vi, but I would now swear /by/ it! ;-)>
> - Anand

Which windows are open at any moment is rather obvious, at least for the 
current tab. (They are separated by their status lines; whether the bottom 
window has a status line is governed by the 'laststatus' option.)

To determine which buffers are currently known, you can use ":ls!". (Without 
the exclamation mark, it hides the so-called "unlisted" buffers.) Some of them 
may not be in memory: see ":help :ls" for the meaning of the codes in the left 
margin of the list.

Best regards,
"The Lord gave us farmers two strong hands so we could grab as much as
we could with both of them."
                -- Joseph Heller, "Catch-22"

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