On 5/28/08, Meikel Brandmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> > No worries, but I'd argue that they are not solutions since
> > they aren't currently working for me. I don't think the user
> > should be penalised if a plugin writer doesn't check for
> > existing mappings. The way it stands right now a user cannot
> > prevent a plugin writer from overwriting their maps. I'd
> > like to be able to define a map in my vimrc and not have it
> > be unexpectedly redefined in certain buffers, similar to the
> > may you might use use the `final' keyword in Java. Do you
> > foresee any problems in allowing users to do this?
> Maybe the community of active plugin developers should
> consider a kind of "Plugin Writer's Codex" -- how should a
> plugin behave.
> Such a codex should be small and simple in order to not
> shy away the casual plugin writer. But it should focus on
> a few important points and it should be actively advertised
> by the more "professional" authors.
> One possible point could be:
>   - a common way to make mappings optional
> Maybe a second-level could be provided for those who
> want to dive deeper into plugin writing:
>   - use <Plug>
>   - use <Leader>
> Putting the burden on the user who has to take radical
> actions to get a plugin to behave well is really not an
> option for me. I think, with a high quality standard of the
> "professional" plugins, which are not only single shots to
> solve an immediate problem, the community would
> benefit in general.
> Just my 2ยข.

Much, if not all of your points are addressed in :help write-plugin.  Maybe
we just need to get the word out to plugin developers?
Could a link to this doc be added to the scripts page on vim.sf.net?  Then
no one would have any excuse for not reading it.

> Meikel
> >

Erik Falor
Registered Linux User #445632 http://counter.li.org

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