On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:55 AM, ZyX wrote:
> Ответ на сообщение <<Re: Bug: Making <<< sc>> abbreviation is not possible>>,
> присланное в 00:10:21 01 июля 2010, Четверг,
> отправитель Bram Moolenaar:
>> Most likely has something to do with keyword characters, since
>> 'iskeyword' has a different value in help files.
> Yes, James Vega already pointed me that I should have <<<>> in <<iskeyword>> 
> option
> in order to be able to make this abbreviation. Now I understand that it is 
> not a
> bug, but I think that error message should be more verbose, like:
>    Exxx: Invalid abbreviation: <sc
> and *Exxx* tag before the line <<There are three types of abbreviations>>.

I second this - in this case, we do have enough information to know
exactly why it's an invalid argument, and - unlike most times when
E474 is thrown - it's not always immediately obvious to even trained
eyes what the error is, since it depends on buffer-local options.  An
error message just for this case would be a Good Thing.


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