On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 11:24:23AM -0500, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
> >Changing terminal emulators is a done task; xterm has supported
> >this since 2008. In fact I asked Thomas Dickey to clarify this for
> >me, and he informs me it's all present and working.
> Despite its popularity, xterm is not "most terminal emulators".  I
> think this is a great move on xterm's part (having a more-or-less
> consistent set of escapes for modifiers).  But, it's still a
> chicken-and-egg problem.  Once it's in xterm, it takes a while (if
> ever) to filter down to derivatives.  And even under xterm the
> setting that allows this to work isn't the default.
> I almost didn't send this, since I don't think the lack of terminal
> support should be a show stopper (If any terminal supports it, Vim
> should use that support), but claiming that it's a done deal because
> xterm added a feature to support it a few years ago is naïve.

This is regrettable, yes. But not entirely true.

Until xterm added the extended CSI notation using the 2nd parameter for
modifiers in e.g.  CSI 1;5C for Ctrl-Left, no terminal in the world did

Now, apart from rxvt which uses its own scheme, prettymuch every
terminal does it, and does it -that way-. These things aren't completely
set in stone, but they do take a long long time to filter around.

I'm very keen to try to shepherd people into one standard and
consistently-designed way of doing things. That rxvt does modified keys
differently is regrettable, and a consequence of splintered reinvention
of wheels. I'm very keen to try not to let that happen any more.

It's to this end I tried initially writing this spec for modified


It comes a little whiney and amateur at the moment, because I'm no good
at the social engineering side of trying to motivate a world-full of
1970's-era engineers into trying to fix a big problem. :) But the
technical details are there, awaiting someone with better writing skills
than I to neaten it up a bit.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

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