On Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 11:49:25 AM UTC+2, Fameli, Nicola wrote:
> Hi there,
> something's up with my vi(m) editor in my mac pro Terminal app (Mac OS 
> Catalina) and it's driving me insane.
> It happens when I make a new file, say a python function in which I might 
> write from the command line:
> $vim function.py
> def function(variable):
>    pass
> then I type :wq to save it and exit.
> Next time I open it I'll see each letter bracketed by ^@, as in:
> ^@d^@^@e^@^@f^@ ^@f^@^@u^@^@n... you get the idea.
> Interestingly, if I add text to an existing file, save it and close it, 
> the issue isn't there next time I open it. It seems to happen only when I 
> make a fresh file and with vim 8.1.2292 as well as 8.2.1719.
> Any help to solve this would be much appreciated.
> Keep up the great work,
> Nicola

Open a non-existing filename in Vim and then type:

       :verbose set term? termencoding? encoding? fileencoding? 
       :language ctype

with of course <Enter> at the end of each line. What are the answers?

Best regards,

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