Excerpts from meino.cramer's message of Fri Aug 13 21:15:13 +0200 2010:
> Hi,
> for developing python scripts I want to "convert" my vim into a
> a Python IDE.

Hi meino.cramer

Maybe start explaining what you expect from an IDE.

Also telling "I have many errors" without telling which won't help us
helping you. So do yourself a favour and also note which plugins you
installed for what reason yielding what error message.

I general statement "I feel bad cause nothing works" doesn't help.

So I suggest you providing a list of features you'd like to have such as

  - syntax check on buf write

  - run python intepreter when pressing F2 feeding failures and exception
    traces into Vim quickfix

  - git support

  - ...

Then I'm pretty sure that the list will come up with many suggestions.

Marc Weber

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