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On 10/04/2012 18:12, shawn wilson wrote:

> I think beautifying vimdoc would be a good thing (though I don't really
> dig the dead tree version). I think maybe even expanding it so that it's
> more book like (maybe with examples from the list / web) might even be a
> good thing.
> I think a starting point would be to decide on a document format (tex
> probably?) and a conversion process so that the book is easily updated
> with the upstream? ... and a git for this to live (someone's github
> probably).
> I worry about the process of design by committee though... if I have a
> pull request where I use some font, who decides if its good or not?

I have four github accounts so that's no problem. One is actually unused
with a name that is non-specific to me. If it was to be made into a
Vimdoc repo & named as such specific to say this list, it could be extra
work handling pull requests although I think that that may be a good
thing as that would help with the adding of examples & such if that idea
was decided upon & better in general for the building of the book.

I think the design by committee wouldn't be a problem. Input is good,
natural & healthy & I think Bram should be the final arbiter after all.

Putting the documents (manual & reference) into tex I think is the best
way to go & will result in a much better looking final PDF from which to



> On Apr 10, 2012 12:36 PM, "Phil Dobbin" <phildob...@gmail.com
> <mailto:phildob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 10/04/2012 16:59, Andre Majorel wrote:
>> On 2012-04-05 22:32 +0100, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>> There doesn't seem to have been much of a positive response
> however to
>>> the idea in general so taking that into account if the vim list is
>>> ambivalent towards it, I'm not so sure it'll pan out with anyone
> else.
>>> It wouldn't take an Everest type effort to typeset it to a degree
> (Lulu
>>> accept pdf files) & it should, of course, look as well set as
> possible.
>> A straight conversion to PostScript of the help files would not
>> be very difficult but it wouldn't be very good either.
>> I've written a hack that darkens the colours and replaces the
>> default font by something less rotten than courier (my beef is
>> not with the fixed spacing, it is with that particular font).
>> psbind -2 to print 2-up (4 pages per sheet).
>> To do : a form-feed per chapter, global page numbering and
>> everything else I'm forgetting. Maybe a page number after each
>> link but that would mean reflowing.
>> The manual is not very useful without the reference, IMO.
> I've also been looking at Pandoc (been pretty busy of late so haven't
> had much time).
> I'm still very keen on the idea however so if you want maybe we can pool
> resources (along with anybody else of course)?
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