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On 12/04/2012 06:17, Paul Isambert wrote:

> Phil Dobbin <phildob...@gmail.com> a écrit:

>> On 10/04/2012 22:01, Andre Majorel wrote:
>>> On 2012-04-10 18:37 +0100, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>>> Putting the documents (manual & reference) into tex I think
>>>> is the best way to go & will result in a much better looking
>>>> final PDF from which to print.
>>> What do you have in mind ?
>>> If you just put all the text in a giant monospace verbatim, it
>>>  won't be much better (or worse) that the output of vimpspp.
>>> Page breaks and page numbering may be easier, though.
>>> If you intend to reflow the text, there is much to gain. But
>>> then you need to know what is, in HTML parlance, <pre>, what is
>>> <code> and what is neither. Dunno how easy/hard that is.
>>> In any case, it's essential that the process be as automated as
>>>  possible. EG, program reads /usr/share/vim/vim*/doc/ and spits
>>> out {man,ref}.ps. Otherwise, the files will always lag behind.
>> Well, I have this crazy idea of taking the plain text files,
>> flowing them into markdown, then converting them into tex to be
>> typeset & then generating a PDF ready for print.
>> All perfectly possible using Pandoc, Vim & Lulu, just a question
>> of how viable it is.
>> Any thoughts appreciated.
> If you're willing to use the latest engine LuaTeX instead of TeX,
> I have written a package called Interpreter whose job is to
> translate input files on the fly before TeX reads them (but during
> the TeX compilation, it is not a preprocessor, LuaTeX lets you do
> that). The obvious application (and actually, my motivation) is to
> be able to write source files without TeX's \commands and
> \what{ever} (I haven't used those for quite some time now); feeding
> the Vim's manual directly to TeX that way is something I'd been
> thinking about, but never done. The problem I fear is that the
> syntax isn't unambiguous, but it'd be worth giving it a try.

Hi, Paul.

Yes, I'd be very interested in trying that. I have LuaTex installed
alongside Tex & texlive on both my production & development boxes
(Debian for Prod, OS X for devel).

I don't know everybody else's opinions on the subject but we could
set-up a GitHub repository maybe to try the ideas out. I'm amenable to
any suggestions.

Let me know what you think.



- -- 
But masters, remember that I am an ass.
Though it be not written down,
yet forget not that I am an ass.

        Wm. Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
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