Turn off siri and the old voice commands work.
Voice dialing is not meant for emergencies.

(Sent from my iPhone)

On Jun 24, 2012, at 4:06 PM, Sieghard <siegh...@live.ca> wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> Just a note to chime in on this with a couple of remarks and suggestions.
> Firstly, Lois mentioned that you don't need SIRI to voice dial, well that is 
> only true on an iPhone 4 which of course doesn't have SIRI anyways, but still 
> has voice dialing which resides on the phone. On the iPhone 4S voice dialing 
> as such does not exist any more, it is done by SIRI and hence if for some 
> reason you don't have a data connection voice dialing will not work at all. 
> When I was on Maui for my holiday a few months ago (I am from Canada) I had 
> data roaming turned off in order to avoid surprise bills, my phone still 
> worked as a phone but no data means no SIRI means no voice dialing, no 
> setting alarms, timers, reminders etc. Amazing how you suddenly notice how 
> much you use it if you can't use it.
> Secondly, if there was a direct dial link on the lock screen I would imagine 
> that the 911 operators would get a lot of calls by people who accidently 
> tapped it and I assume this maybe a reason why it's not there.
> Lastly, let's face it, if you are a cane user and are threatened by a person, 
> what are the chances you can outrun them? Unless your attacker is an old lady 
> with arthritis or maybe he/she is blind as well I don't think running is a 
> good option. Now if you have a guide dog and are used to running with your 
> dog or maybe you even practiced this you could maybe run and trust your dog 
> to get you away. I jog with my dog on my own all the time and would possibly 
> take such a chance, but if I were running flat out I wouldn't try to make a 
> call whether it was with an iPhone or any other phone.
> As far as dialing 911 quickly I would suggest you use any of the many small 
> apps out there which allow you to make direct shortcuts to either one or 
> several phone numbers which you can then place on your Home screen or even in 
> the dock. There is a host of apps on the app store for exactly that purpose, 
> remember, this is Apple and the app store with 600,000 apps. Here is for 
> example one ccalled 911 by Zodiac Interactive which is free, a quick search 
> for 911 brought this up and if you google 911 emergency dialing on the iPhone 
> you find a ton of results. By the way, I have not downloaded this app so I 
> can't speak for it's accessibility, but these are very simple apps so I 
> assume there will be some that are definitely accessible and anybody who 
> thinks they need it just can check it out.
> Description from the app store:
> Imagine being caught in an emergency and you need to call 911 or one of your 
> emergency contacts. Do you want to have to go to your phone book? Do you want 
> to have to dial the numbers?
> With 911 you can call the 911 operator with two simple clicks.
> In addition the 911 application allows you to set up two additional emergency 
> contacts from your phone book and becomes a rapid dialer in an emergency. Put 
> this app on the bottom of your iPhone navigation to have it always there in 
> an emergency.
> And one last note, a while ago some people were discussing how to put "ICE" 
> information (In Case of Emergency) information on the lock screen. Some 
> suggested to make a printed copy of such information, then take a picture 
> with the iPhone and use that picture as wallpaper which you would then see on 
> the lock screen. When I checked out these 911 apps I also came across some 
> which offer that functionality in addition to storing all sorts of In Case of 
> Emergency information such as who to call, alergy and medication info, blood 
> type etc. If anybody is interest such search the app store for "in case of 
> emergency". Apparently the app uses the information you enter to make a 
> wallpaper image out of it which you can then select in "Settings" and "Wall 
> Paper".
> Regards,
> Sieghard
> -- 
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