Hi, yesterday I decided to delete all my sent mail.  I had a year's worth
and I did them one at a time.  I'll make sure to delete them more regularly
after this experience! 

     As I was looking at my folders I came across the all mail folder.
There were some very odd things like test messages and texts I was trying to
play around with when I first got my phone.  Exactly what goes into that
folder?  All the other folders are self explanatory.  

     I went ahead and deleted everything from that folder, from the drafts
folder, and from the spam folder.  When I went back to look at all folders,
nothing was left in any of them.  OOOOOOOOOOPS!  However, no real harm was
done since I don't think I had anything really important stored in any of my
other folders like my personal or my work folders that hasn't been stored on
my work or personal computer.  Just wondering what that folder is and which
emails in folders should or should not be deleted.  

     I hope this isn't a really stupid question.  I'm Always willing to
learn more.Thanks.

God bless!

Paula and Babe

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