Hi Alia,

Our IETF 94 hub in Bangalore was quite successful. The makeup was made up
of a few IETFers but mostly interested developers.  In fact, some of the
participants went on to attend and present in IETF 96 and took part in the
Hackathon. They are also planning to join IETF 97 in Seoul.

I am on the look out for new blood to both organize/attend for IETF 97.

Just a few thoughts -

(1) WG champion: Having one or two WG champion at the Hub helped to set the
tone, go over the WG agenda in advance, answer questions and continue the
discussion after the WG meeting.

(2) Discussions/Hot-Topics: Most participants can join remotely on their
own from home/work. We need to make it worthwhile for someone to travel to
the Hub, so it is important that we make sure that the hub can offer
something more.... This could be a lively discussion, networking, side
meetings on some HOT technology, tutorial etc.

(3) Agenda - getting the IETF agenda early, would help a lot in making the
sub-set agenda for the hub based on interest/timezone etc.

This is just for the Hub in Bangalore, there have been other hubs in India
targeting academia.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Alia Atlas <akat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am curious about how the various IETF Hubs have been doing?
> What activities have you tried and found useful/successful/interesting?
> What did you try that failed miserably?
> Do you have a community organizer (or group of folks) pushing the
> organization
> of the activities and facilitating?  Do you have different people stepping
> up to pull things together?
> What is your participation like?  Is it largely experienced IETFers?
>  researchers & students? interested developers?
> Personally, I'm brainstorming a bit about what might be useful to try in
> the Boston Hub and how much to push or encourage structure.  It feels like
> some can be quite useful.
> Thanks,
> Alia
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