In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 22 Jul 2004 20:38:49 -0400, "John E. Malmberg" 

wb8tyw> Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
wb8tyw> > Hmm, I found a small bug.  A file spec. []FOO wasn't reduced
wb8tyw> > to FOO by my changes.  The attached patch contains one more
wb8tyw> > line that takes care of that particular thing.
wb8tyw> > 
wb8tyw> > I'm going through the rest of File::Spec::VMS right now,
wb8tyw> > finding more things that aren't at all consistent with
wb8tyw> > proper directory mangling on VMS.  There will be more
wb8tyw> > patches, one for each function I correct...
wb8tyw> While you are in the area, I submitted a patch to 5.8.4 release 
wb8tyw> candidate that gets Perl to almost honor the C feature
wb8tyw> logicals.

I've yet to be able to build 5.8.4 on my VAX (VMS 7.2, DEC C 6.2-003,
anyone been able to build on that combination?), but I'll try it out
on the Alphas I have access to when I got a little more time.

wb8tyw> This is apparently needed to build the version of GTK+ that is
wb8tyw> used for Mozilla.
wb8tyw> To make the patch complete, the File::Spec::VMS needs to also
wb8tyw> be modified to look at what the C feature logicals were before
wb8tyw> Perl started, and and if they were the set to (IIRC)
wb8tyw> parse like it was UNIX, and display the filespec as if it were
wb8tyw> UNIX.

Oh...  Hmm, feels a bit hairy, but can probably be done by calling
some appropriate function in the proper places...  I've got other
things on my platter right now, and all I'm currently after is to have
File::Spec::VMS behave properly with VMSy file specs.

wb8tyw> I do not know enough about Perl programming to make those
wb8tyw> changes myself.

Hmm, if I'm gonna get involved at a deeper level, it will take some
monetary contribution.  I currently live on bare minimums (the
consulting business is harsch right now), so I only spend time on my


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Richard Levitte     | | Tunnlandsv. 52
Levitte Programming |           | S-168 36 Bromma
T: +46-708-26 53 44 |                             | SWEDEN
     "Price, performance, quality...  choose the two you like"

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