At 7:07 AM -0500 1/31/05, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>I notice that a lot of the tests here are on Perl 5.8.4, yet CPAN shows that 
>the current version of Perl is 5.8.6.

5.8.6 is current on all platforms.  It has a couple of MakeMaker test
failures on VMS that are unrelated to MakeMaker itself.  Immediately
upgrading to the latest version of PathTools (which includes
File::Spec and Cwd) from CPAN would correct the root causes of those

>I am looking at building a version that supports the upcoming symlink support 
>in OpenVMS, and wanted to know which base level of Perl I should start with.

New development should be done against the 5.9.x development stream
known as bleadperl.  The best way to get a copy is via rsync:

$ rsync -avz --delete perl

This can be done on Linux, Mac OS X, under Cygwin on Windows, among
other unixy environments, and the resulting directory tree zipped up
and moved to VMS.  Unless of course you've got your VMS port of rsync
working (which I would be eager to know about).

>Also which baselevel has the changes that I submitted for handling UNIX file 
>specifications based on the DECC$ feature logicals?

Some future version.  We are still hampered by the fact that certain
parts of the Perl core written in Perl need to be modified to
accommodate the things the CRTL can do.  If we don't develop and put
in these changes simultaneously with your changes, basic
functionality will break.  For example, if someone has
DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE enabled and the C parts of Perl honor it but
we have not yet modified MakeMaker to handle it, Perl won't even be
able to build itself.

So I apologize for how long this has taken.  I've been short on
volunteer time that comes in chunks bigger than half an hour, but I
have not forgotten your changes.  I was just thinking over the
weekend that we need to move forward with this somehow, and we need
also to look into supporting or using other v8.2 CRTL enhancements,
such as stream-based pipes.  Thanks for exploring symlink support.

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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