Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/29/2005 05:23:16 PM:

> Yes it is.  That indicates the test module never got built.  Doesn't say
> why though...  If you're feeling adventurous could you step into setup()
> on line 25 of PL_FILES.t and poke around?

One could either modify setup or modify the test.  Below I enclose
a patch that takes the latter approach.

> > On both Solaris and on VMS I obtained the misleading statement:
> >
> > t/xs....................
> > skipped
> >         all skipped: No compiler found to test XS builds
> >
> > Which it turns out was due to ExtUtils::CBuilder not being installed
> > not because I did not have a compiler.
> Would this be less confusing?
>   ExtUtils::CBuilder couldn't find a compiler to test XS builds

That would be better.  If not too long the line:

   ExtUtils::CBuilder was not found or it could not find a compiler

might be more accurate.  By the way is the plan to introduce
the new ExtUtils::MakeMaker and the ExtUtils::CBuilder into
bleedperl?  Would a warning about a missing prereq for the separate
CPAN dist of MakeMaker be helpful?

> Now that's unexpected.  VMS works but Solaris didn't.

Silly case sensitive file system: setup() wrote output
files to a directory called PL_FILES-Module then the test came
along and attempted to chdir to PL_Files-Module.  That scheme worked
on VMS and Windows, but not on Solaris (unlikely to work on any Unix).
Here is one way to address the problem:

diff -ru ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.26_01.orig/t/PL_FILES.t 
--- ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.26_01.orig/t/PL_FILES.t      2005-03-29 
00:17:16.000000000 -0500
+++ ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.26_01/t/PL_FILES.t     2005-03-30 09:29:15.326006000 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     ok( teardown );

-ok chdir('PL_Files-Module');
+ok chdir('PL_FILES-Module');

 run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL});
 cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0 );
End of Patch.

With that I obtain:

All tests successful, 7 tests and 38 subtests skipped.
Files=40, Tests=714, 120 wallclock secs (60.59 cusr + 46.75 csys = 107.34 CPU)

with perl 5.8.5 on SunOS 5.8 (aka "Solaris 8").

Peter Prymmer

to appease the line wrap gremlin also as an attachment:

(See attached file: em.patch)

Attachment: em.patch
Description: Binary data

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