At 9:15 PM -0500 4/4/05, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>In MM_VMS.PM, there is a comment that unixify will sometimes return a
>string with an off-by-one trailing null.
>And what does that mean?  More than one null terminator?

Perl strings are roughly equivalent to dynamic string descriptors on
VMS.  The length is stored internally so you shouldn't see the null
byte from Perl.  It looks like there was a bad length calculation at
some point or other problem that caused the length to include the

This workaround apparently came into the core with the following
patch, though may have been in an independent release of MM before

>Do you have a reproducer for that problem?

No, but the following bug fix from just about a year ago may be related:
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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