On Mar 29, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Black, Andrew (Global Products Unit) wrote:

> I got a bit further but in the ends decided that the problem was "caused" by 
> using MMS.
> So I installed MMK. Looks healthier but I am getting
> Making all in cpan/ExtUtils-Manifest
> MMK "all" /DESCRIPTION=descrip.mms /MACRO=("PERL_CORE=1")
> %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual 
> address=00000000000♦
> %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual 
> address=00000000000♦

Hmm, what's the rest of that address?  I have seen occasional accvios in recent 
versions of MMK at an address of 0x50, which smells like an offset from a null 
pointer, but the symptom has never been reproducible.  I've suspected a quota 
problem but never got to the bottom of it.  Try increasing quotas, especially 
the memory-related ones, and see if that helps.

> I had trouble finding MMK - the place referred to in the Docs was not 
> available.
> I downloaded the one below. I anyone can point me toa better version that 
> would be great.
> %MMK-I-IDENT, this is the MadGoat Make Utility V4.0
> -MMK-I-COPYRIGHT, Copyright (c) 2008, Matthew Madison.

I'm using 

$ mmk/ident
%MMK-I-IDENT, this is the MadGoat Make Utility V4.1
-MMK-I-COPYRIGHT, Copyright (c) 2008, Matthew Madison.  See LICENSE.TXT in 
distribution kit for license information.

which is available from <http://www.kednos.com/kednos/Open_Source/MMK>.

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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