Hi all!

Just a little (pre-)announcement...

At this year's YAPC::EU the german VAXman persuaded me into attempting a port 
of Parrot to VMS.
While I'm still fighting my way through the build process, I already do have a 
working parrot.exe:

$ mcr []parrot -"V"
This is Parrot version 4.9.0-devel built for IA64-vms
Copyright (C) 2001-2012, Parrot Foundation.

This code is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
For more details, see the full text of the license in the LICENSE file
included in the Parrot source tree

All changes needed to get the build going on VMS will eventually appear on 
And as VAXman is a big fan of VAXen, I will keep compatability towards OpenVMS 
VAX 7.2 in mind
(as that's what his main machine FAFNER.dyndns.org is running under).


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