I have a customer in market research who is legally required to manually
dial calls to cell phones.  Right now they are considering abandoning all
of their auto/predictive dialer software and going to manual dial for
everything, because the list-scrubbing services have been shown to be
inaccurate.  There are extreme penalties for auto-dialing a cell phone, and
"best effort" is NOT a defense to this, at all.  For example, Gallup just
settle a claim for $12M.

So they need a totally accurate way to prevent a cell phone call from
originating from their dialer.  The only thing I can think of is some sort
of LRN dip + LRN-to-carrier-type response.  One of their people talked to
Neustar, but didn't get great answers because he doesn't really understand
telephony.  Before I get in touch with Neustar, I thought I'd see if people
here have some ideas.

If you provide a commercial product for this, please feel free to tell me
so on or off list, the customer is willing to pay for the service and we're
open to all options.  I don't have a budget number yet but manual dialing
is going to cost them quite a bit for some types of studies.
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