Does it expose you to anything? If not shrug and shut it off. If so, offer it with something that passes the exposure on instead, explaining your costs change. No need to lecture them on their own laws or protect them from themselves. They need a service provider, not a parent. :)

On 06/02/2016 03:33 PM, Carlos Alvarez wrote:
Believe me, I've covered that and several other regulatory matters, they maintain they don't care. The directive I got was from the second from the top, and he claims the CEO is behind him. Right now the stale-mate is at "we can have a conference call to discuss it with the CEO, but I won't do it without that." If they call me on it, well then...I'm just not sure.

As to what type of "medical" company, I would like to keep the customer info very anonymous, but I'll say that it's way more than uniforms but not quite discussing a specific patient's ED prescription. There's probably not any specific patient data on a call, or maybe just very rarely.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Anthony Orlando < <>> wrote:

        Just mention HIPAA.  You might also have some HIPAA compliance
    issues as well.

    > On Jun 2, 2016, at 1:54 PM, Carlos Alvarez <
    <>> wrote:
    > We have a customer who has been nagging us to remove the PIN
from their conference lines. They are getting more insistent. We've said no, for the obvious security reasons, and explained
    them all clearly.  On top of it, this is a medical-related company
    having sensitive conversations on conferences.  They keep pushing
    us.  What would you do?  On the one hand I think we have no
    liability in the matter, but on the other, we're more of a
    consulting ITSP than just a generic service provider.  We
    specialize in helping people not do stupid things with their phone
    system.  There's also the matter of just eating up a bunch of
    channels by people using it as their own conference.
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