From: Mike Carrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Correa

Chris wrote:

                  Now we're getting somewhere!
No, we are not. You are repeating the same mistake that Jeff made, changing what the Correas did before you ever see the effect. The PAGD discharge is a wideband event. Transformers are ***not*** simple devices in a wideband case, they have stray inductance which will present a complex impedance to the discharge. You are ignoring what I said about the discharge continuing with no rise in the cell voltage. You say you have studied the Correa ptents, but you have not understood the implications of what is in them. Transformers also block DC.
I don't want to be harsh here, but you have to do your homework **very thoroughly**.
Mike Carrell 
   Sadly,  I hope you haven't been infected with the Correas' mindset.  I have done a lot of 'homework' on this subject - including sending the
Correas an e-mail warning them that much of their patents effect may be covered by old patents by Philo Farnsworth in the '30's and '40's
in which he obtained "overunity" ( perhaps in a different context) from implinging electrons on vacuum housed aluminum plates. ( multipactor tubes) 
   As things stand, the Correas do not have anything practical to offer the public.  For the sake of humanity, let's hope that changes.
It is entirely reasonable to question their  work - respectfully - so as to try to create something practical out of it.  At least one of their
patents clearly presents a transformer on the output in the printed schematic, so they've experimented with it.
  We should respect and try to faithfully duplicate their technical work.  That said , we should utterly avoid the spirit of contentiousness,
contempt and seething hatred that creates the defeat of noble enterprise.  It is not enough to have a Ph.D.  If we follow this ugly course,
we are making ourselves the equals of darkened hearts and minds who sneer at cold fusion and other developments, regardless of evidence.
                  Perhaps a huge part of this mystery concerns the critical design of the output.  Too small a capacitor and the pulse action will be inhibited
                  because the capacitor will be filled.  Too fast or brief a pulse and the battery may reject most of it as heat rather than accept it as a charge.
                  It might be possible to use some sort of audio transformer of high quality to transform the pulses down.  I would think the low impedance
                  of  a small battery pack would be reflected back into the tube favorably.  Perhaps one of the new low voltage ultracaps would work
                 in such a circuit.

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