On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:
>  Harry,
> The more I think about it, I don't think you were trying to play a scare
> card. This is just an issue that concerns me deeply. As I get older I
> suspect it will concern me even more. Hopefully I will be in a position do
> to something about it on my own terms.
> Depending on my circumstances, as I approach the end of my useful life, I
> would like to have the option of being able to invite all my best friends
> over to my abode, and perhaps a few irritating foes as well, for one last
> get-together. It should be party. There I would like to casually and
> perhaps with some humor give out a few of my most cherished possessions to
> the appropriate. I hope someone asks me, "Steve, can I have your bike?" It
> should be a happy feast of remembrance with some nice music playing in the
> background. Then, on my signal, I want the "cup barer" to bring the potion
> over to me. By law he or she will be required to warn me "If you drink this
> potion you will die." I'll take the potion and I will drink it. Then, I'll
> lay back listening to soft music... maybe a little Beethoven... or maybe
> Enya, while holding hands with loved ones.
> Time to die.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOW4QiOD-oc
> But in the meantime, just so most Vorts don't end up with the impression
> I'm romanticizing the process a tad too much, the following clip best
> expresses my current attitude about dying.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPatfgoNBRo
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> svjart.orionworks.com
> zazzle.com/orionworks

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