
Here is a direct link..Bob

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Roberson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dark wires in glowing reactor ?

  I am having difficulty finding a copy of the report by Dr. McKubre for some 
reason and wonder if someone would post a direct link.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com>
  To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
  Sent: Wed, Jan 14, 2015 1:56 am
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dark wires in glowing reactor ?


  I observed the the same thing in the picture provided by McKubre in his 
current evaluation of the test in Infinite Energy #119.  An observation 
reported by Storms via McKubre's report questions the report in that the 
temperature measured at the center by the T/C does not seem to respond like it 
should with increased power density during the production of  excess energy per 
the report. (Cold Fusion Now also has McKubre's report.)

  From the picture it looks like the temperature is not uniform along the 
reactor axis but has more of a sign wave configuration along the axis with 
hotter spots nearer the ends.  There is only one T/C and this may only be an 

  However, There may be a standing wave of Li atoms controlling the reaction 
with their density being the controlling parameter.  I guess the varying energy 
production along the axis could also be the result of other parameters that 
control the reaction like a magnetic field or nodes in a standing sonic wave. 

  This could explain the concern Storms had relative to the temperature and 
energy density correlation.

  KcKubre's report is excellent.

  Bob Cook 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Jones Beene 
    To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
    Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:27 PM
    Subject: [Vo]:Dark wires in glowing reactor ?

    There have a number of comments about images from the Parkhomov/Rossi 
reactors which appear to show dark wires in front of a brightly glowing 

    Yet … we know that these wires should be strongly incandescent (unless the 
photo was taken immediately after the current was turned off)… and if the wires 
are powered, they will be glowing so brightly by themselves that they should 
not be seen as dark, even if the interior of the reactor were brighter than the 
wires themselves. There is no evidence that the current was off - so we should 
look for other explanations.

    Another explanation which has not been voiced till now –is the “dark matter 
in operation” explanation J

    If “dark matter” can be defined as hydrogen in the Deep Dirac Level – the 
lowest orbital, and there is recent evidence from Cosmology that this could be 
the case, then we can explain the dark wires as being actively shielded. The 
mechanism for that shielding could go something like this: Hydrogen in the DDL 
is greatly reduced in diameter so that it cannot be contained by the ceramic - 
and the isomer atoms would diffuse through the alumina (which is a dielectric) 
as soon as they are formed. This species would also be strongly paramagnetic 
and thus attracted to a current carrying wire. Therefore, it can be proposed 
that a very thin layer of DDL –possibly only a few atoms in thickness would 
attach to the wires uniformly, following which they would actually become 
“dark” in the sense of strongly blocked in the visible spectra but emitting 
photons which are invisible (soft x-rays)…

    … or not. But it makes for an interesting hypothesis.

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