Eric Walker <> wrote:

> There is a sticking point with this one idea, however -- there's an
> economic incentive for vendors to set things up so that people are locked
> into their own technology.  If you bought an Apple computer and lose or
> destroy the power adapter . . .

Sure. There is a lot more to it than I could fit in such a brief message,
and this is another factor that pushes towards stasis. Industry standards
are another.

There are also factors that jog a technology out of a rut. You mentioned
teh Gillette razor blade holder. I don't think people use those things much
anymore, after the invention of the plastic, throw-away razor. (I wouldn't
know; I have not shaved in 40 years.) Progress and market forces eventually
overcome marketing gimmicks. If Defkalion had actually introduced a reactor
that needed to be recharged every 6 months, I am pretty sure other
manufacturers would soon have introduced ones that need recharging every 6
years, or never. I think that "recharging" stuff was a marketing gimmick.

- Jed

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