This Linux user must have killed over a hundred letters on this parasitic off 
topic thread.  It has of late been stuffing our mailboxes with its old oil in 
not even new bottles.  According to one of the letters even the saintly 
ex-president Carter would 'go to hell' for 'lusting in his heart..'.  
Personally I like the old geezer for helping the poor, even if I condemn him
for handing the American Panama Canal to the red Chinese 'people's army' 
on a plate;  and allowing thousands of traitorous draft dodgin turncoats to 
not only walk free but step in front of real American Veterans in job and 
benefit programs.  Even convicts came before veterans for awhile 
('economically and socially disadvantaged').  This thread is really spam.  
It is attracting Vortexians into its spiderweb with the alluring illusion of 
the challenge of a 'debate'.  The originator of the posting started the ball 
rolling by replying to his own post, I found out when cleaning the history and
my hard drive space of this dogmatic drivel.  There is no debate but only 
dogma repeated endlessly as in a broken phonograph record of old.  Those
of us that engage in this debate become as those who would get into a 
sty and fight with pigs.  The pigs love it and the would be 'trainers' only
get dirty.  The listmaster should really kill this thread and take whatever
actions necessary to see it does'nt return.  Incidentally, the originator 
whose name I will not repeat knows who he is, and he also has been 
placing commercial messages on this list as well.  I have kept over eleven
thousand messages to the list over the past year or two.....just don't
delete 'em as there is a wealth of info about possible leads to scientific
discoveries. But I make an exception to out and out dogmatic drivel.
I wonder if this is what Lenin spoke of when he said that: ".. Religion was
the opiate of the people"...;   and I might add that this opiate was
carefully administered by ruling classes that never accepted those
dogmas for themselves. 
                                  Its all there in various 'holy books'. They
all say the same basic things.  They all probably came from a single
source, a now lost and long forgotten 'holy book' that was actually 
a rule book created by our bio-engineers long ago.  From this our
earliest sentient ancestors about 14000 years ago were instructed
in ways to live in order to:  survive and lead healthy lives;  and not
inbreed and ruin the genetic programming engineered into the 
homo erectus robustii that had been the seeds for alien DNA transplantation
project.  The instruction was most likely verbal as the newly incubated
changlelings would not yet have a written language to go with their
newly acquired speech ability.  An original language was probably 
taught them before the 'code of living' was given them.  Once having
the knowledge necessary for successful colonization of this planet, the
subjects were released into the natural environment (the 'garden of eden').
Who knows, 'eden' or some sound like it probably meant something
in the alien language.  The new 'men' then found .....other people??!?....
to mate with and begin the chain of 'begats' found in every 'holy book'
in the world.  From there the tales diverge into fantasy, but that fantasy
includes the basic teachings:   don't kill each other (makes sense if one
wants his 'people' to survive);  don't steal;  don't do genetic crimes to
interfere with the DNA templates;  you are a 'member of _______religion
because your MOTHER was (the real code is in the mitochondria);  don't
eat 'unclean meats' usually meaning pork (some kind of pig DNA was
probably also used to fill in certain gaps or for genetic interfacing with
alien and robustian DNA somewhere....this dictum appears in more
than several 'holy' codexes).  I mean really folks, these hucksters came
to a scientific site to trash it and pollute it.  Are they really so stupid as
to lack the ability to concieve of an intelligence greater than themselves?
Do they really believe thier own lies and dogmas so much that they are
unable to imagine a successful challenge?  Did they think that we would
fall victim to propagandists cloaked in religions?  Did they think us
superstitious?  Or is the idea to simply clog the list with endless and 
fruitless 'dialogs of the deaf', eventually driving out the members from our
little corner of the world and scattering us so that the real ideas we
discuss will no longer have a forum.
  I will not leave!, but I can screen them.  Under linux, keywords appearing
anywhere in any header can be used as mail filters.  These 'keywords
can contain punctuation marks, parts of HTML commands, etc.  Religious
spammers are just like porn spammers, drug pushers, phishers and
virus vendors in that they have a limited vocabulary:  just like we filter
on four letter words and combinations and mispellings of the same to 
ban porners; or filter on drug names for pushers; or filter on 'values', 'buy'
or 'credit' for loansharks and hot goods pushers;  religious sharks use
lots of 'God' (may be not capitolized or use different names for the 'diety'),
'save' (just like salesmen), 'salvation', 'sin', 'lust' (just like porners), 
'adultery' (again just like porners) know the drill.  Use enough of
those and delete them and...voila...the world is clean again of their filth.
   And oh, yeah, if our list is really under attack, these folks won't let go 
easy.  They will use junk in the titles and spoofed return addresses and 
forged headers while inundating us......just like spammers.  Religious 
fanatics have murdured millions throughout history.  It is one place our
bioengineers made a mistake in our genetic code, allowing the genes
for murder of one's own species members, genes that are present in
today's great apes like the chimpanzees, to continue.  Perhaps our
bioengineers did not know these genes existed because they did not stay long
enough on our planet to do more thorough studies of candidate
species for aliotransplantation.  One wonders if these aliens were
able to time travel as well.  They would then have had and yet have
the ability to look in on us from time to time.  Like maybe we are/were
an alien tourist attraction?!  But if that is true, then what does that say
also about them?  Certainly not anything ethically or morally good!
   But then if we are a tourist attraction, the 'keepers' would want to 
make certain that the 'animals' never get out of the cage....that is
gain the ability for space travel.  Maybe that is behind the present
administration's sudden newfound love for old chemical rocket
tech that is prone to failure.

Enough rant for one day!

Standing Bear

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 08:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> V,
> Out of interest, what kicked off this whole discussion? Was somebody caught
> with their pants down?
> Look the Latins, pagans and other religions don't have these Anglo-Saxon
> problems a man is a man, right... So what if he's married and has an
> au-pair or two? It's the double standard and it's a man's world (or take a
> look at the antics of divorced older women, I guess they catch up).
> You know, St Paul really did it in for Christianity, the misogynistic
> little politico.
> R.
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of thomas malloy
> Sent: 14 December 2005 10:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: OffTopic: Lust and the bible
> Vortexians;
> I found the response to this thread interesting, it was as if I'd
> been subscribed to a religious list.
> Sexual immorality is any sexual activity other than that between a
> married couple. Lust is forbidden by Yeshua. He is clearly using the
> word as something stronger than something that you simply want.
> I realize that other religious systems have love your neighbor as
> yourself as a tenant. There are lots of elements of the Christian
> religion which had common elements in older pagan religions. There
> are two ways to look at this; one is Universalism, all religions lead
> to salvation, the other view is that  Satan is a clever counterfeiter.
> >Harry Veeder wrote:
> >>1.    Can a Christian lust and still be qualified to enter into the
> >>Kingdom of God?
> Yes but only if you repent.
> >Otherwise, you'll need to do some purgatory time, but after that
> >you're cleared for takeoff on the runway to Heaven.
> I thought that the Roman Church had repented of purgatory
> >>2.    Can a man or a woman lust for their mate, yet without sin?
> Lust implies sexual desire. This is one thing if both of the people
> are single, but if one of them are married, it is sin.
> >>3.    Is lusting a sin?
> yes
> >>4.    Do you really know the difference between lust and desire?
> I think that the difference is obvious.
> >>5.    If you lust for something, would your Maker grant it to you?
> He might, if it pleases him.
> >>6.    If you caught yourself lusting should you repent of it?
> There is no forgiveness of sin without repentance.
> >>7.    Does God, Christ, and all the holy angels ever lust?
> A holy, kadosh, G-d, cannot allow that which is unholy in his
> kingdom. The angels and the Sons of G-d who lusted left heaven
> >>Those who are spirit beings, those who are Holy, perfect, and righteous?
> The ones who lusted left heaven long ago and came here. According to
> the Book of Enoch, they are imprisoned here awaiting judgment.
> >Regarding (7.): Yes, of course, angels do.  See Genesis 6:1-4 for more
> info.
> >But that's a very concise treatment of the story.  For a longer and
> >more explicit version see 1 Enoch 6-7, followed by additional
> >references throughout the following chapters up to 1 Enoch 71.  (1
> >Enoch is an early first century Jewish work which appears to have
> >been treated as ... um, well, gospel,
> We believe that the Enoch in the title is the Enoch mentioned in
> Genesis. Noah brought a copy with him on the ark.
> >  I guess you'd call it ... by many in the early Church, certainly
> >including St. Jude, who quotes from it, and possibly including Paul
> >himself.  It was considered a sacred book by the Christian church in
> >Ethiopia for centuries.)
> My rabbi agrees.
> >For a bit more on Satan/Lucipher and his feelings in various matters
> >see the Life of Adam and Eve 12-16.  He's apparently a very
> >emotional guy, and quite proud, and feels he really got shafted by
> >God.  (LoA&E is also a 1st century work, which incorporates
> >longstanding traditions surrounding the events in the Bible.)
> Leave it up to Lucifer to believe that. He started out with pride,
> and then he lied, and then he murdered. Tonight's interviewee on C to
> C AM is talking about Zachuriah Sitchens who has written a book about
> some Sumerian clay tablets that he translated. He tells a story about
> an extra terresterial race called the Ananaki, who created humans to
> be their slaves. Sitchen's story continues with the usual New Age B
> S.  Satan has a long history of writing books which deceive people.
> IMHO, this is one of the finest examples of his art.
> >And who, by the way, ever said angels are "perfect"?
> A holy G-d cannot tolerate that which is unholy in his kingdom.
> >>Don't be too quick to answer. Remember, all of our background came
> >>from our parents, culture, and our society.
> >
> >Take yourself out of our culture and into some other where "lust"
> >and "sin" aren't all tangled up together and where "Christ" is just
> >a word with no meaning and nobody's ever heard parables about the
> >"Kingdom of Heaven", and you'll have trouble even understanding what
> >those questions are supposed to mean.
> You're making several assumptions, and you know what happens when you
> assume. If there is no creator, and he has no interest in making the
> Earth holy, then you can write the story off as a parable.
> --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! --
> - $19.99/mo! ---

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