Spacetime, including our atmosphere is wormy & stringy

Earth's core is 6-D vacuum brane toroid and our weather disturbances are
one more dimension warping, inflating & decaying in our atmosphere and
gradually condensing everything and triggering electromagnetic discharge as
the dark matter inflates to dark energy around us.

Best I can figure.


On Sunday, March 1, 2015, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Isn’t it bizarre how most physicists will embrace that load of cosmic crap
> (FTL expansion) without the least bit of real evidence for it (other than a
> brain-dead theory) … yet … in the next breath they reject out-of-hand the
> dozens of successful LENR experiments, simply because those experiments are
> not successful 100% of the time?
> From: Bob Cook
> Eric brings up a good point…
> From: Eric Walker < <javascript:;>>
> About the big bang theory -- my understanding is that it requires faster
> than light expansion in the earliest period.  A theory that says the rules
> change at some point in time seems a bit ad  hoc to me.

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