

With a COP of 2 in any single unit - it is possible using stacking and feedback 
of many units – for the operator to achieve any arbitrarily high net COP – even 
infinite COP (no input required).


For instance with 50 units in a module, none of which have a COP of greater 
than 2, one can arrange them to have infinite effective COP.


That would be the case so long as one can trigger another unit using heat 
alone. Even if heat alone is not possible, a much higher COP than 2 is possible 
using multiple units.


This is the essence of the MW “blue box” and the only reason that you will 
probably never see individual units for sale.  


The multi-unit arrangement allows one to convert low COP in an individual unit 
- to high effective COP using feedback of part of the gain.


From: a.ashfield 


I had speculated earlier that the COP of the Hot Cat might be lower than the 
regular E-Cat as the low temperature version is what Rossi has pursued.   As 
Rossi has claimed a COP of at least 6 in earler days it is not a stretch to 
think that he is expecting 6 from the new 1 MW plant under test.  It is hard to 
imagine they would not have worked on a single module before assembling ~100 of 
them and that they would do so with a COP of only 2.

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