The way to maximize the COP is to apply energy pumping (heat) for a short
a period as possible to minimize energy input conception. The Lagano test
did not do that. The testers applied heat all the time. That is like
running your car in first gear. Your gas milage will be very bad.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 6:38 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

>  Jones,
> I had speculated earlier that the COP of the Hot Cat might be lower than
> the regular E-Cat as the low temperature version is what Rossi has
> pursued.   As Rossi has claimed a COP of at least 6 in earler days it is
> not a stretch to think that he is expecting 6 from the new 1 MW plant under
> test.  It is hard to imagine they would not have worked on a single module
> before assembling ~100 of them and that they would do so with a COP of only
> 2.

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