
I am reluctant to think you are joking about dispropotionation reactions for hydrinos and catalysis of hydrinos and regular hydrogen by water, but that crossed my mind. ( :


-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2015 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Fractional Hydrogen without Millstion - Mathcad - table.pdf

In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sat, 4 Jul 2015 19:47:40 -0700:
Hi Jones,

Ok, I found the reason. It lies in the disproportionation reactions.

If you start with a mixture of p = 16 & p = 4, you get:- (16^2)/2 + 4 = 132.
(Formula derivation available on request).

Note that water molecules are an m=3 catalyst, so interstellar water molecules reacting with Hydrogen atoms will create p = 4 hydrinos in a single reaction.
This provides a relatively large population of p = 4 hydrinos.

p = 16 is special because the Hydrinohydride for p = 16, has the highest binding energy for the second electron (70 eV), so obviously this hydride is going to be
the most stable, which means that as hydrinos shrink, they will tend to get
stuck at this level, and thus p=16 hydrinos will accumulate (as the hydride).
This provides a large population of p = 16 hydrinos.

When members of both populations mix, you get p=132 hydrinos.

-----Original Message-----

Guessing that the observed value might match a different transition, I
created a little table for p = 120-136 ...As you can see, p=132->133 is a
good match ....

Interesting. Nothing obvious pops up at first glance - as to why this
132/133 level would be favored for dark matter. However, reading up on x-ray
spectra in this energy range, there is almost nothing else in physics known
to have much relevance.

So we can relegate this datum into the archive and maybe something pops up
in a few months or years ...


Robin van Spaandonk

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