

I wouldn't get too concerned about OT issues clogging up the Vort Collective. 
As the presidential elections draw closer, based on the previous election 
cycles, one can imagine what will happen within the continuum. It will return 
to normalcy afterwards.


I suspect the younger generation will be interested in your android app once 
it's more fully developed. If it can control MIDI devices, you are likely to 
have some interest there. OTOH, I suspect your app is not likely to pique the 
interest of the older generation, like me. A tablet/cell phone display window 
is just too small for 60+ year old eyes! However, there are always exceptions 
to the rule. Incidentally, my wife and I just purchased two new Samsung Android 
cell phones. Looks like we are joining the android crowd despite the fact that 
my wife uses the IPad 2 tablet. I personally use a Samsung Galaxy note 12 Inch 
tablet. We can make the letters & numbers larger on our androids.


I mentioned my desktop Sonar Producer software application because I enjoy 
creating full-fledged compositions using all the s/w tools I can get my hands 
on, assuming I can afford them. I need all the desktop real estate I can get my 
hands on.


I'm pretty comfortable using Microsoft's Visual Studio Professional edition. 
I'm using the VS package in my Kepler research efforts. I'm fluent in both VB 
and C#. I could probably handle C++ if forced to, but I'd rather not. Never 
learned JAVA. I programmed in C back in the 1980s when I was a troglodyte 
computer programmer for Space Astronomy Lab, Madison, Wisconsin. I wrote GSE 
(Ground Support Equipment) software. Programmed primarily in C and FORTH. FORTH 
is an interesting RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) programming language. Quite 
primitive, but deceptively powerful once you get a handle of it.


Indeed, would suspect Jed would be interested in a thread discussing a CF 
thermal runway situation. Wouldn't we all. Wait a minute... didn't that happen 
to Rossi a couple of times when he first stumbled across the mysterious "Rossi 



Steven Vincent Johnson

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