On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Stefan Israelsson Tampe <
stefan.ita...@gmail.com> wrote:

If you magnify it large enough I'm sure you will see some structure, maybe
> a thickness. But to a practical approximation I think a zero thickness is
> fine.
> I believe that what matter is is a singular artifact due to nonlinear
> behavior in space. A nonlinearity that needs to be added to Maxwell. How
> this nonlinearity behaves is unknown but what it does is to produce a
> crack or surface which can be sustained and stable under the right
> circumstances. Now if you want to add this singularity you need to add a
> distribution field as source terms on a surface to Maxwell and the most
> simple such distribution is a delta messure on the surface.

Is this your thinking, or does this go back to Mills?

Also, the standard geometrical interpretation of spherical harmonics in
quantum mechanics provides a ready understanding of electron degeneracy
levels (levels in which several electrons have nearly the same energy and
occupy the same shell).  This is because for shells such as p and d, the
different subshells are each orthogonal to one another.

In the model of infinitesimally thin orbitspheres with a charge
distribution described by spherical harmonics, how does Mills account for
electron degeneracy levels?  Are they explained by having several
orbitspheres coexisting simultaneously at the same radius?  If the radius
of each orbitsphere is distinct, how are degeneracy levels explained?


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