Hello Jed,
I think your heart means well. However, you lack in logic when you say:
If there is one lesson the history of cold fusion teaches it is that the
experts are usually right, and you should not listen to strange people from
outside the scientific establishment.
That is only true if you think that LENR/CF is impossible.
I know you and I have different opinion about what large organization are
good and bad about. I think it is fair to say that if you want to avoid
changes and have things be the same as 'yesterday' even tomorrow, then
government is a safe bet. However, if you want flexibility and change, then
government is useless.
The debate about global warming is far from conclusive. I do not know the
answer. I do know that it is not a question we can control (i.e. I doubt
anyone created the ice- age(s)). For many other reasons I can agree that
limiting our carbon pollution has its advantages. Global warming will not
be totally depending on the CO2 level in the atmosphere, many other factors
will be as or more important. I think we need to get better information and
then search for the solution that still makes this place liveable. I think
we have time but to limit use of fossil fuel (limit CO2 in the atmosphere
is good in the meantime.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Mats,
>> I have commented as shown below.
>> Global warming has been exaggerated.  To understand why see:
>> http://people.iarc.uaf.edu/~sakasofu/pdf/two_natural_components_recent_climate_change.pdf
>> Note Fig 2b.
>> There is nothing unusual about the weather.  . . .
> Beware of statements like this. You have cited one person who has one
> opinion. It is contrary to the opinions of a large number of climate
> experts. It is possible this one person is right and the experts are wrong
> but it is unlikely.
> If there is one lesson the history of cold fusion teaches it is that the
> experts are usually right, and you should not listen to strange people from
> outside the scientific establishment. People often think that cold fusion
> teaches just the opposite lesson, but they have it wrong. In cold fusion,
> the established experts in electrochemistry and calorimetry were able to
> replicate and they published definitive proof that the effect is real.
> Most of the people criticizing these results were either scientists in
> unrelated fields who did not bother to read the literature, blowhards such
> as Robert Park, or anonymous, ignorant fanatics at Wikipedia who name
> themselves after comic book characters. In other words, they are outside
> the establishment. They have no credibility.
> As Fleischmann often said, "we are painfully conventional people."
> - Jed

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