Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com> wrote:

> However, you lack in logic when you say:
> If there is one lesson the history of cold fusion teaches it is that the
> experts are usually right, and you should not listen to strange people from
> outside the scientific establishment.
> That is only true if you think that LENR/CF is impossible.

No, you have that backward. Nearly all of the experts who have looked
carefully at cold fusion have concluded that it is real. Dieter Britz is
the only one I know who is not convinced.

The scientists who claim it is not real know nothing about the research.
They have not read the literature. They are not experts; they are ignorant
fools. You can see this in the negative comments of the 2004 DoE panel,
which are preposterous:


> I know you and I have different opinion about what large organization are
> good and bad about.

Nearly every major mainstream organization that performed serious
experiments in cold fusion produced positive results by 1990. Over 180
organizations have replicated, and every one of them is at a university,
national laboratory or corporation. Not a single researcher outside of the
mainstream has ever replicated cold fusion as far as I know, except
possibly Rossi.

See the list here:


There were a few places such as Kamiokande that got negative results,
because they made many mistakes and there were no electrochemists in their
group. Without electrochemists  they could never succeed. They were
bumbling amateurs *outside the electrochemical establishment*. See:


Imagine what would happen if electrochemists tried to build a Tokamak
reactor. They would fail as badly as this.

- Jed

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