Jed, you should follow that link and might conclude that a further look at 
other sources is in order.  I once assumed that global warming was an important 
issue until I began looking into the data that is available to the public.

The reference that 97% of scientists believe that man is responsible for 90% of 
the problem has been proven wildly wrong (<1% actually agree) but keeps being 
stated over and over.  And, the long term historical data shows that global 
climate temperature increases lead to greater carbon dioxide levels but not 
strongly in the other direction.  Also, keep in mind that water is by far the 
greatest contributor to the greenhouse effect (95%) but is beyond our control.  
Study sun spots and cosmic ray effects on cloud formation if you want to 
understand what is really happening.

I suspect that most of what we are witnessing in Paris is associated with an 
attempt to gain a greater degrees of control over world resources by the UN and 
member states.  I hope no one believes that any tax collected on the cost of 
carbon is going to be returned over the long term.  At first maybe so, but 
later these taxes will be used for general revenues.

One point to note is that the professor that started Gore on his quest many 
years ago later came to the conclusion that he was wrong about man caused 
warming.  Many others have followed suit but their perspectives are prevented 
from being widely exposed by a system that protects itself to maintain access 
to billions of dollars in research.  There is a parallel with LENR deniers who 
act in their own self interest.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 1, 2015 5:31 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Story on climate crisis would need some comments

a.ashfield <> wrote:

    I have commented as shown below.
    Global warming has been exaggerated.  To understand why see:
      Note Fig 2b.
    There is nothing unusual about the weather.  . . .

Beware of statements like this. You have cited one person who has one opinion. 
It is contrary to the opinions of a large number of climate experts. It is 
possible this one person is right and the experts are wrong but it is unlikely.

If there is one lesson the history of cold fusion teaches it is that the 
experts are usually right, and you should not listen to strange people from 
outside the scientific establishment. People often think that cold fusion 
teaches just the opposite lesson, but they have it wrong. In cold fusion, the 
established experts in electrochemistry and calorimetry were able to replicate 
and they published definitive proof that the effect is real.

Most of the people criticizing these results were either scientists in 
unrelated fields who did not bother to read the literature, blowhards such as 
Robert Park, or anonymous, ignorant fanatics at Wikipedia who name themselves 
after comic book characters. In other words, they are outside the 
establishment. They have no credibility.

As Fleischmann often said, "we are painfully conventional people."

- Jed

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