Reading between the lines... Does it sound like they're preparing us for
a negative report on Rossi's one year test?


On Thu, 2016-03-10 at 11:32 -0500, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> [Marianne Macy asked me to post this]
> The following statement has been released from Industrial Heat for
> Infinite Energy Magazine today, March 10, 2016.   —Marianne Macy
> Statement of Industrial Heat Regarding LENR Industry Developments
> March 10, 2016
> Industrial Heat’s objective is to make clean, safe and affordable
> energy available everywhere, and in doing this we want to build a
> company that demonstrates respect for all. LENR is a key focus of
> Industrial Heat and we believe multiple technologies in this sector
> warrant further investigation and development.
> Industrial Heat has licensed, acquired or invested in several LENR
> technologies from around the world. We have developed a group of LENR
> thought leaders, and we have built a world-class engineering team. We
> are pleased with the technologies we have assembled and with the group
> of scientists and engineers working on them. Presently, the Industrial
> Heat team is in the midst of assessing and prioritizing the
> technologies in our portfolio.
> Our operating philosophy is to foster scientific and engineering rigor
> in the development of LENR. We will thoroughly assess data derived
> from sound experiments which we design, control and monitor. 
> Embracing failure as well as success is important, because we learn
> from both. Unfortunately, there is a long and continuing pattern of
> premature proclamations in the LENR sector. 
> Because of this, we encourage open-minded skepticism. We believe
> society suffers when technological advances and innovative
> experimentation are stifled; likewise, society and the industry suffer
> when results are promoted and claims are made without rigorous
> verification and precise measurement.
> We value credibility through sound LENR research. That’s why any
> claims made about technologies in our portfolio should only be relied
> upon if affirmed by Industrial Heat and backed by reputable third
> parties who have verified our results in repeated experiments.
> Our portfolio of work has never been stronger and we remain excited
> about the potential we see. This optimism is grounded in more than
> just hope, yet a great deal of work remains. The energy challenges of
> today must be met with viable, clean, safe and affordable solutions.

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