Making sense out of the way nuclear reactions occur in LENR is a fruitless
endeavor. It might be that the Ni62 was produced by a single cluster fusion
event with Li7 in which a trillion atoms were involved. The nickel and
lithium might have been included in a Bose condensate where all the atoms
were in the same state. The nickel/lithium were combined into a single
super atom in which a fusion reaction affected all the atoms at the same

How nuclear reactions occur in a Bose condensate is not yet understood.

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Jack Cole <> wrote:

> AP's 15-day run should have shown a much more significant shift if the
> Lugano results are true.  His COP is not mentioned, but noted 100W of
> excess for 15-days.  Isn't that probably in the range of Lugano's true
> excess output?
> Also, AP's best recent results were 100W excess over 15 days.  What does
> that say about his previously report KW level excess?
> Jack
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:40 AM Jones Beene <> wrote:
>> *From:* Bob Cook
>> Ø  The AP test did not run very long and may not have depleted the Ni to
>> the extent of the Lugano test.
>> Here is the comparative data. The important comparison is on slide 14. As
>> a good scientist, you will change your view after studying this.
>> The AP test ran for 4.5 days and produced more excess heat per day than
>> the revised Lugano numbers - with the net being 150 MJ (40 kWH).  Based on
>> the revised numbers from Bob Higgins for the Lugano run, transposed to AP
>> we should have seen about a quarter of Parkhomov’s totally nickel converted
>> to 62Ni, assuming Rossi was correct and did not cheat.
>> Yet there was almost zero – almost NO CHANGE in Parkhomov’s 62Ni numbers,
>> so it is clear that Rossi cheated or else Parkhomov did. They both cannot
>> be true.
>> To believe the Rossi analysis is real – almost 100% of the nickel in the
>> 30 day run had to be converted to the single isotope!  Explain that !

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