Jones, I think the Goat-guy is correct - I just read other things into his
Fukushima and Chernobyl both had licensed, well educated experts designing
and running the plants - it still went 'BOOM'. The conclusion I draw is not
that they are so free from moral that they do not hesitate to lie if it
seems to be an advantage for their employer. I think it happened because
they did not have enough imagination to see the outcome and consequences of
unforeseen complications. That is part of being human. Yes, there is a
possibility that both those tragic accidents happened because of evil
planning. I doubt it and I would never state that being the fact without
having very good indicators (evidence) to back up such a statement.

Your conclusion that those guys have violated some US law is not
substantiated. They might have had a permit would that make any difference?
They might operate on the customer's permit.
Then you say they should be deported and fined. How does that make anything
good fro anybody. Why is that helping LENR.?
Then you say that Rossi (the bad guy in your thinking) has sent them to
Tuscany. How do you know? Does it matter where those guys are?

Let me understand; 'Deportation would be a blessing.'      for whom? and

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> In answer to those who claim that Rossi’s friends and countrymen - Penon
> and Fabiani are qualified engineers, even though neither has professional
> certification in this country and both were admittedly illegally
> operating a boiler within the City of Miami in violation of municipal
> codes, there is the following… from the goatster.
> BTW… the Leonardo complaint - alone can probably be used to prove both of
> these fine “engineers” are subject to immediate deportation for committing
> numerous misdemeanors and violations of other US laws while on a work visa
> …
> Goat-guy has this to say:
> “There were absolutely competent engineers and nuclear experts working at
> the Chernobyl nuclear plant for years. And it went 'boom'. There were
> hundreds of completely competent engineers, physicists and designers
> overseeing the construction of the Japanese coastal nuclear power plants.
> Fukushima demonstrated that they hadn't considered the consequence of a
> natural disaster. Engineers, for all their earnestness aren't
> particularly good at being either curious enough  -- or more-delicately, are
> not inclined to say anything bad about their employer's machinery” END of
> quote.
> If Penon did not know about the clever way Rossi designed the test, which
> allowed data to be easily faked, then he might escape the legal consequences.
> If he knew, and said nothing, then it could cost him much more than Rossi
> has paid him.
> Deportation would be a blessing.
> Industrial Heat - should petition the Court to depose the two of them ASAP
> so they are on record before disappearing into Tuscany. However, Rossi is
> probably smart enough to have sent them packing already.

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