I am quite curious if it is the switch from a P orbital to and S orbital or 
visa versa is what causes it to switch to from H(1) to H(0). Perhaps the 
electrons still remain in an excited state in the other orbital.

> On 11 mei 2016, at 21:03, Stephen Cooke <stephen_coo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Bob,
> That it helps a lot I must admit I have a lot to learn about Rydberg matter. 
> Would these highly excited and Bohr atom like elliptical orbitals still 
> correspond to some kind of quantum mechanical orbital? Perhaps a highly 
> excited S orbital or something? Even highly excited P, D, F and G orbitals 
> would tend to have more complex shapes I think? I suppose it would depend on 
> the orbitals angular momentum. I suppose we might also need to consider the 
> spin as well as angular momentum though in the models if quantum mechanical 
> models are used. Perhaps at these energies the Bohr Model fits better the 
> observed behavior.
> On 11 mei 2016, at 20:05, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Stephen,  My understanding is that Rydberg hydrogen is highly excited 
>> hydrogen - it is just below an energy that the hydrogen would be ionized.  
>> In fact, small energy inputs to hydrogen in a Rydberg state will ionize it.  
>> As I understand the orbitals for Rydberg state hydrogen they are huge 
>> diameter flattened ellipsoids.  Because of this, it is not too far off to 
>> consider it like a Bohr model.  In Rydberg Matter (RM), all of the atoms 
>> have an electron in a large flattened ellipsoid shape which now loops some 
>> of the other nuclei in the RM to hold it together.  RM naturally forms as a 
>> large planar "snowflake", but can easily be warped in a field gradient.  RM 
>> is well characterized from its rotational spectrum.
>> OTOH, the ultra-dense form is nearly pure imagination at this point, based 
>> on very slim data.  If an ultra-dense form happens, how could it be formed 
>> from high energy matter like RM?  Normally the very small is only achieved 
>> when substantial energy is removed from the system.
>>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Stephen Cooke 
>>> <stephen_coo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Has anyone looked at RM from the point of view of quantum mechanical 
>>> electron orbitals? If so could you help me understand some crazy thoughts 
>>> and questions I have about it ?
>>> I understand Rydberg hydrogen matter typically forms from excited hydrogen 
>>> atoms in some way.
>>> Most literature seems to represent the electron orbits in Rydberg Hydrogen 
>>> in a classical Bohr electron shell representation.
>>> What is the case in the quantum mechanical model? Are the electrons excited 
>>> to particular states such as S2 or P2 orbitals? I suppose the electrons are 
>>> more easily excited to P2 from the S1 orbital if excited by photon 
>>> absorption for example.
>>> Does the type of RM depend on the type of orbitals the electrons are in? 
>>> For example using Holmlid definitions is a S2 more likely to form H(1) type 
>>> RM and P2 more likely to form H(0). Naively looking at the dumbbell shape 
>>> of P2 orbitals does this allow closer approach of the nuclei than say S2 
>>> with its spherical orbital?
>>> I think it's not so straight forward though as I think in Holmlid's recent 
>>> paper he mentions the orbital angular momentum (l) in each state. 
>>> Particular electron orbital types have particular orbitals. S orbitals have 
>>> l=0, P orbitals have l=1 etc. however he mentions that H(0) and D(0) have 
>>> l=0 and H(1) and D(1) have l>0. This is the opposite than I suggested above 
>>> suggesting that in fact the S orbitals allow the more compact configuration 
>>> of RM and P and other Orbital types can form normal RM.
>>> On another matter are the orbitals themselves affected in the dense form of 
>>> H(0) bearing in mind the very close spacing if the nuclei a few pm compared 
>>> to the normal S1 orbital radius? Also does the vortex nature of the close 
>>> combinations of atomic pairs into threads impact the electron orbitals?

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