very bad idiots.
one math error "they" make is highlighted  at following link with lecturer 
still teaching it in lecture to students- 

Maths contradiction in Einstein's relativity with its connection to Newton
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Maths contradiction in Einstein's relativity with its connection to Newton
 Just concentrating on the maths of how Newton is connected to Einstein, and 
showing the contradiction in the mat...  |   |



long history of dissent with relativity picked up from such sources as:  
Challenging Modern Physics: Questioning Einstein's Relativity TheoriesBy Al 
where Kelly picked up by Vigier p 259

History of unified field theory quest by Einstein - picked up by David Bohm, 
and then Prof Vigier picked up from Bohm
Problem that has delayed unified field theory is - replacement for existing 
quantum mechanics from Bohm to Vigier et al goes by names like: Stochastic 
while relativity is full of silly mistakes.

Physics papers dealing with this are presented at Vigier Conferences. see 
Vigier 9

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Vigier 9
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Unification thus achieved by DR C Y LO in lecture going on internet soon

    On Thursday, 22 September 2016, 21:27, Stephen A. Lawrence 
<> wrote:

  Do you honestly believe that modern relativity theory takes Einstein's 
conclusions from his original papers and just blindly uses them?  What kind of 
idiots do you take physicists to be, anyway?
 The modern version of SR is based on tensor calculus with little or no 
connection with Einstein's original algebraic work.  His GR papers still look 
quite modern, but even there all of his work has been redone, rederived, many 
times over.
 You can pick at his 1905 paper from now 'til the cows come home, or go waste 
your time on something else, it makes no difference.  Whether there are errors 
in the derivations in that paper or not, seriously, nobody cares.
 (Sorry, everybody, in years past I wasted a lot of time in arguments in the 
relativity news groups.  Some people just don't understand the math of SR and 
will never believe that it works.)
 On 09/22/2016 04:15 PM, ROGER ANDERTON wrote:
  <huge text with screwed up formatting snipped>


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