Here is the cite for the original Hagelstein paper, ~ 24 years old:

There are different versions of neutron "hopping" these days, but in the context of magnetic tunneling using NMR - as the medium to transfer neutrons, and the most favorable reaction:

25Mg + 25Mg => 26Mg + 24Mg + 3.763 MeV

The idea is not to use hydrogen or deuterium at all, but to apply the known NMR resonance to the metal, which is conductive so it can be applied direct from a circuit. For instance, imagine a magnetic solenoid in which a thin tube of magnesium isotope is held at cryogenic temperatures which is oscillated at the NMR resonance, which would be about 6 MHz for a magnetic field strength of 2.3 Tesla.

One application would be as a thruster for aerospace. Hot ions are ejected from both ends of the tube when it is resonant along the axis of the solenoid. One vector can provide thrust and the other converts the ions to electricity to provide the resonance and cooling.

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