Not so sure about "hole movement in an electric field" unless that is metaphorical, but there is a fairly well-known phenomenon at elevated temperature called "aromatic ring current" which involves electrons circulating around the 6 carbon atoms of an aromatic molecule - with no loss when a magnetic field is applied.

This type of ring current is arguably superconductive at high temperature and more importantly, this phenomenon has been used for gain in LENR in the Mizuno phenanthrene experiments. Unfortunately there are no strong replications of this work.

About 8 years ago, Lewis Larsen entered the ring current field and put up some very nice slides (60 or so) featuring Mizuno's work and other theory.

A lot of observers were hoping that Lattice Energy was actually doing a phenanthrene experiment as well as producing impressive slides, but no data turned up AFAIK. If they were trying to replicate Mizuno's phenanthrene work, the results are not easy to find.

BTW - the "Space" or virtual hole in the center of an aromatic ring is about 200 picometers in diameter, while the Bohr radius x 2 is about 100 pm. This is important if we want to visualize the aromatic ring as some kind of physical mechanism for creating UDH/UDD - using the strong magnetic field of the ring current to compress the orbital of hydrogen. That field has been estimated to be about 12 Tesla locally.

Mizuno's phenanthrene experiments could be the most important open question in LENR, and should be replicated or debunked. But we end up saying this every couple of years to little effect.

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