This poster presented at ICCF shows that the "active LENR agent" that is
produced in Russ's fuel can exist and be active in a plasma at 7,000C. What
is interesting to me is that the plasma produces gamma when it is initially
produced at the electrodes, but as plasma plume moves forward in a
supersonic beam, the gamma emissions reduce to 20% in a very short time.

Klimov A., Grigorenko A., Efimov A., Sidorenko M.,Soloviev A., Tolkunov B.,
Evstigneev N., Ryabk ov O

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 3:18 PM, JonesBeene <> wrote:

> *From: *Jed Rothwell <>
> BTW – the fatal dose for radiation poisoning is about 200 bananas in one
> day. Fortunately, the 40K which is the culprit -  is rapidly excreted.
> Only 200??..... Mike Melich might munch that many. He ate 50 when he
> turned 50. Maybe not in one day. He is inordinately fond of them.
> Holy cow. 50 bananas. Forget the potassium, that is going to produce major
> emissions on its own. Who needs LENR with so much “natural” gas??
> Seriously though, the idea of LENR plasma being the superior medium
>  (compared to condensed matter) for thermal gain with hydrogen (and there
> is a decent case for that proposition)  brings up one of the finest
> overlooked papers out there. That would be the Phillips, Chen, Shiina paper
> on helium/hydrogen plasma emission “Evidence of Catalytic Production of Hot
> Atomic Hydrogen in RF Generated Hydrogen/Helium Plasmas”
> They see copious EUV radiation (extreme ultraviolet) which is much hotter
> than expected but is almost certainly NOT nuclear in any way shape or form.
> It is not chemical either. What is it? They did not use the term “dense
> hydrogen” or hydrino but there is little doubt it is a similar kind of
> reaction with a strong UV output.
> This is interesting in the context of the CFL, especially the higher
> voltage grow lamp variety – and with a radioactive catalyst. A further
> development would be a” plasma within a plasma” setup using a CFL lamp as
> the power supply for a large volume of gas in which neither RF nor metal
> electrodes would be needed.
> The CFL is placed inside a larger volume vacuum chamber such as a bell jar
> which contains the Phillips gas mix of mostly helium with hydrogen at low
> pressure, and thus eliminating RF input by using UV to breed EUV.
> The UV is much more likely to couple to a plasma than is RF, and is more
> efficient to produce as a bonus.
> Jones.

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