<russ.geo...@gmail.com> wrote:

“Going back to the banana problem, the *lethal* *dose* for an average human
> is roughly 5 Sv. This translates into about 50 million bananas. Eating that
> many is definitely not feasible.”
> 400 bananas in one sitting is a fatal dose of potassium.

That's hilarious!

JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Holy cow. 50 bananas. Forget the potassium, that is going to produce major
> emissions on its own. Who needs LENR with so much “natural” gas??

I doubt he ate them in one day, but I'll bet he ate them soon. He likes
them when they are still partly unripe. As do I. His brother gave him 50 as
a birthday present, expecting some to be left over a few days later. They
weren't. That's how Mike told the story.

- Jed

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